Houston HeartReach

Offered through local community centers, employer health fairs, and doctor offices, Houston HeartReach programs provide individuals the opportunity to learn more about their health.
Houston HeartReach is a collaborative effort joining the cardiovascular clinical and research expertise of Texas Heart Institute’s Center for Women’s Heart & Vascular Health with the community outreach organizations of the Greater Houston area.
When you participate in our Houston HeartReach programs, you are invited to participate in the Houston HeartReach Registry, where we use the information from HeartReach health screenings in our unique and confidential database at Texas Heart Institute (THI).
The Houston HeartReach Registry is a community-wide registry research study that aims to improve heart disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. It allows THI to gather detailed past medical history and physical examination data from ethnically and culturally diverse populations.
The Registry will help researchers:
1. Identify trends in heart health risks in a diverse population.
2. Develop future clinical trials that are anticipated for this population.
3. Recruit women and men for future research studies.

Registry Requirements:
Participants in the registry study must meet the following criteria to join the registry:
- Must be 18 years of age
All information is kept strictly confidential. There is no cost to participate. Insurance is not billed.
Participants may provide us with medical records before, during or after the screenings. We do not share your medical records with anyone outside of the research team.