Houston Chronicle Features Dr. Jim Martin’s ground breaking research aimed to change how we treat heart failure

Houston Chronicle Features Dr. Jim Martin's ground breaking research aimed to change how we treat heart failureHouston Chronicle Features Dr. Jim Martin's ground breaking research aimed to change how we treat heart failure

Patients suffering from heart failure have very limited treatment options, and up to this point, it had essentially been impossible to bring heart muscle back in humans following an injury regardless of available technology and knowledge. Dr. Jim Martin’s gene therapy research at the Texas Heart Institute could change this.

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Gene therapy knockdown of Hippo signaling induces cardiomyocyte renewal in pigs after myocardial infarction Shijie Liu, Ke Li, Leonardo Wagner Florencio, Li Tang, Todd R. Heallen, John P. Leach, Yidan Wang, Francisco Grisanti, James T. Willerson, Emerson C. Perin, Sui Zhang, James F. Martin. Science Translational Medicine  30 Jun 2021: Vol. 13, Issue 600, https://stm.sciencemag.org/content/13/600/eabd6892
Fernández-Ruiz, I. Gene therapy against Hippo triggers cardiomyocyte renewal after MI. Nat Rev Cardiol (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41569-021-00602-8